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Free text search our videos from the start page or by navigating in the “Video” menu. The videos are grouped by tags like “Money”, “Gaming” etc.
When you find a video you wish to buy, click on “Add to basket” and the video will be added to your shopping cart. You then have two choices:
- Pay directly without creating an account by clicking on the PayPal button.
- Click on “Proceed to checkout” where you can create an account and there you can make the payment.
You can pay in two ways:
- Click on PayPal button and sign in to PayPal and choose your payment method
- Click on PayPal button but pay with any debit/credit card without signing in to PayPal.
After the payment is done you will be able to download the video. There are no restrictions on how many times you can download the videos you have purchased.
You will find your videos under “My account” and “Downloads”.
When you make a purchase and proceed to checkout on the site you will be asked to fill in your email address and personal information. Your account will then be created so that you can receive payment confirmations, follow your orders, edit your personal information etc.
You will find your orders under “My account” and “Orders”.